Friday, February 19, 2010

What was I talking about?

It seems to me that we all need a small break, and fortunately it is coming our way in a couple of weeks. Yes I mean spring break, and I'm sure as everybody knows, it won't look like spring which is kind of depressing but it's still a time for break. We've had the days off school, which were a pain, and now it seems that we as musicians are wanting to give up what we practice. Heck I can't say much because I'm just a freshman but still some of us know that it isn't good to practice when you are mad about something. If you go into the practice room with an attitude that isn't healthy you're gonna sound like crap, plain and simple. I've had a couple of practices and a lesson or two where I thought that and it didn't pay off. My simple advice is, if you don't feel that practice is going to do well then do something else because obviously your mind is not in the game. You and only you can fix that problem in your head, and this past week I've had my share of problems as I know everyone else has, and it can be hard to focus on anything. Overall everyone who is not only in studio but in the Music program knows that the only reason we do what we do is because we are good at what we do, we did not just pick up an instrument or begin singing yesterday and be comparable to Carol J. or Joe A. it's that simple. The next time you feel like crap and are about to go practice and have the mind that you won't do well just do this one thing. Don't practice go do something fun for a while, video games, a movie, read a book, ride a bike, listen to other music, etc... get your mind off of what is bugging you and later that day go into the practice room refreshed and ready to play.

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