Monday, January 16, 2012

Been a while now...

Alright I'm going to begin this one easy, not too long, but surely in the future they shall expand. First off I'm only throwing this one out there right now just to be "that guy" but in all honesty it needs to be said from my perspective. I am goddamn sick of all the blubbering on about religion and how now it seems that everyone just needs to reassure their faith with every freaking person via twitter or facebook or whatever else the hell people use. Do you honestly think that God would give a rat's hairy ass that you constantly quote scripture and praise him through the internet? Hell no, if you are going to prove yourself to society go out and be that person stop talking about it, words do not mean a damn thing without action. Granted it's sad how during these days that to get people's attention you either have to anger them or scare them. Why? We live in a civilized society and yet the only way to get attention is to utterly destroy our own humanity? That isn't who we are, we as people have been just struggling to get along and hell in the past 100 years it seems that we have made some amazing strides but that goes for saying we haven't taken a step back either. We have stopped socializing with one another unless it is forced, and it should never be forced it should be a welcome into any person's life because everyone is always worth the time. Now granted I will get into this in the future but for now I just have to say this. Stop the incessant fighting between one another over religion. We have grown up and we need to know that everyone is different, I mean I thought we reached that realization by now, but apparently not. It's pathetic and it needs to stop we are all good people, some more than others, but we are greater than this squabbling. Think about this for a moment, do you honestly believe that your God would say to you: "That guy over there does not believe in what I am saying, go over there and put it in his face". No, in all sense of the word, he is not nor will he ever. (A lot of negatives in the last sentence I know) People spout that God is jealous and everything but in truth does God really give a shit about human emotion, do you think he would really stoop that low to make sure that everyone believes in him? What about free will? Was that not a gift given to us from God? We need to stop contradicting ourselves and move on with our lives. People will believe in what they want. I honestly don't give a damn in who controls our fates and what not because right now I need to live for me and the people I hope to help. That is my responsibility for now. And I know when a bible banger reads this I will get the spiel with scripture, which I never want to talk about because every single person who has ever read out of the bible has a different view of what it said, but that is not what I want to hear from someone. Remember that rule that we were taught in school about plagiarism and para-phrasing, well it's about time people stop doing that and rely on their own thought and their own ideas, leave your religion out of the equation, it is not wanted. Be the free thinker you should be, do what is right instead of what others have told you is right, because some of the fucked up things that are going out there in the world are being caused by extremists and don't say it is just Muslims because it is not. And for whatever reason we think it is alright to victimize Islamic believers in this country, which was not founded on religion, because a few of their people, who were terrorists and there have been Christian terrorists and plenty of them as well, have committed an atrocity so that gives us the right to completely shut out the culture as a whole? You can not do that, it is wrong, and it is essential religiously racist. That is the new idea/phrase I want to start bringing to life: Religious Racism; because it is started to become a virus and goddamn do I not want this flu to spread because it will consume us as a whole eventually. Given enough time anything can turn even the nicest person into a ferocious beast that has left little to no hope of humanity left in their soul. And just as a disclaimer, because I used to do this in the past, this blog will have nothing to do with the thought or actions of killing or hurting ANYONE. I will not tolerate belligerent hate on anyone's part even my own, and if you find something in my blogs that is so disturbing that it shouldn't be on here tell me. And if you just flat out hate it, well you have the FREE WILL to stop reading them at any point and never saying a word to me. I don't mind hate mail/comments but if all you have time for is to piss on me well go find a 5 dollar hooker who enjoys a golden shower because I sure as fuck don't. Thank you for the time.

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